Beetroot is seldom featured in Asian least I don't remember seeing this in any Chinese dishes.
I do vaguely remember trying to use this in a salad once but, I didn't quite like the way it bled like an open wound making the dish look like someone just had a bloody fight over it... This is also a vegetable that is not quite readily available at our local supermarkets. The benefits of the beetroot has been gloriously lauded. It is definitely a detox superhero. Reputed to be one of the best liver-cleansing vegetables, it also helps to nourish the nervous system and brain with trace metals and folate. Betacyanin, the pigment responsible for the deep red colour of the vegetable is also a powerful antioxidant.
The more I read about the benefits of beetroot, the more I feel I should find some way to incoporate this into my diet. The easiest option is to turn to my juicer. There are no shortage of recipes for beetroot juice on the internet. The version I have picked is from my little juice book which consists of 2 other power food , the carrot and orange.
The good thing about a beetroot juice is, the natural beet sugar actually makes a pleasantly tasty drink - no dread about gulping down liquid grass.
And oh,... one more tip for friends in Singapore- you can find beetroot in Carefour , Cold Storage but the cheapest beetroot can be found..... at Little India!
So eat beetroot and be healthy!
Recipe :
250 g Carrot
125g Beetroot
1 Orange
125g Strawberries (optional)
1. Juice the carrot, beetroot and orange to get juice.
2. If using strawberries, transfer juice from (1) into processor with strawberries and blend until smooth.
That does sound healthy-thank you for encouraging me to eat healthier!
There was a time when I went on a juicing frnzy n i tried all kinds of combinations I have slowed down...maybe I shd start again...beet root sounds deliciously healthy! and I love the colour....yes it does look like blood when it bleeds! LOL
The color alone! Recently I was introduced to Terra Beet Chips..And taro..does that count at all?:)
I think I would add strawberries into beetroot!
I already feel healthy just by reading ur blog. :)
I need to try out some beetroot soon!
I'm gonna use the beets to colour my pasta! LOL. Bottoms up, Shirley! :)
Honestly, no matter what I've done I've never enjoyed beetroot - I wish i could enjoy it because I have heard it is one of those super foods... maybe your idea of juicing it would work this time for me!
Ju, yes, you can actually use the beet to colour your pasta and many other stuff!
Triss, I don't enjoy eating the beetroot either but drinking it is easy :)
MmM love beetroot. Especially beetroot pickle. So good for you! :)
Thanks for sharing this healthy beetroot juice, must try one day.
I've heard a lot about the health benefits of beetroot. Haven't tried it though. Guess I should soon :)
This looks so appealing and I think the addition of strawberries, carrot and orange are fab suggestions! :D
Beetroot is a very good detox agent.Love the juice..and the sugary taste makes the drink very palatable.
really, no issue what I've finished I've never enjoyed beetroot - I desire i can benefit from it because I heard it is one of those fabulous foods
One cup of raw beets contains phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium as well as vitamin A, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. When these nutrients are captured in the juicing process, the body can quickly absorb them. RediBeets saves you the trouble of juicing beets by giving you a concentrated beet juice with only the fiber removed. The essential enzymes remain, along with the natural form of betaine, which aids in cleansing the liver and reducing homocysteine levels. More info @
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