A failed experiment that needs further tweaking and I am not suprised nor discouraged by the outcome. It is normally easier to modify a savoury dish but baking calls for better precision. So when it occured to me to use the Pandan Coconut Custard to make this souffle dish, I was already deliberating about the possibility that the coconut oil in the custard will disturb the stability of the meringue. I went ahead with it anyway like a lab experiment.
I had also added some toasted dessicated coconut to the blend to give texture. The souffle rising slowly in the oven,had me feeling really hopeful but the cells of the souffle did look rather wet to me.
True enough when I got these out of the oven, I could sense that they were not as stable as the ones I made before. I suspect that the recipe is too 'wet'. The kaya/ custard was possibly too runny,hence the inside of the souffle felt more mushy. I am guessing that the runny consistency also affected stability of the air bubbles in the souffle. The souffle did not totally collapse on me. It just resided faster than before. Adding toasted dessicated coconut was a right thing to do. It complemented the pandan custard perfectly. I will need to tweak the ratio further and possibly use a thicker custard next time.
I know many of my fellow Singaporean/ Malaysian readers have commented how they would need to find ramekins to try their hand at making souffles. I recently chanced upon Ramekin Heaven at CSN - an ever growing online shopping mega mall which sells everything from bar tables and stools to cookware to shoes.Searh for Ramekins at their Cookware site and you will see what I mean.
I shall publish the failed recipe anyway and if anyone has any suggestions to modify this, I will be so happy to explore.
Egg White 100g
Castor Sugar 20g
Pandan Custard 300g
Toasted Dessicated Coconut 20g
1. Peheat oven to 170C. Butter and sugar coat ramekins thoroughly.
2. Whisk egg white and castor sugar until stiff peaks are formed.
3. Fold in cusstard and dessicated coconut working gently to avoid deflating the meringue.
4. Spoon or pipe (3) into ramekins. Using your thumb, go around the rim of the ramekin to clean up the edge of the ramekin.
5. Bake for 8-10mins until browned. (I baked for 15 mins)
Errr... if I'm reading it right, your method seems to suggest banana choc chip, but no sign of pandan custard.
Anyway the souffle looks yummy!
Good catch, Busygran! I only amended the ingredients and forgot about the method. All fixed now. Thanks!
Allie : My big fat fingers accidentally deleted your comment. Thanks for your lovely words!
It sure doesn't look at all like it failed. Looks gorgeous!
I got ramekins from Spotlight and Ikea. The baking supply stores sell them too - Phoon Huat, Sia Huat, etc.
I think your souffle rises beautifully. And the combination of flavours sound really really good here.
The first pic looked good...decieved me :)
Wish u luck on ur recipe tweaking.
Daiso has ramekins, but they may not be in white. I bought some in tan, and Swee San got some that looked like a tea cup
For Malaysians, I've seen some really cheap ones at Mercato supermarket.
Wendy, the first picture stayed for about 5 mins before it started to reside... It didn't reside to nothingness but the inside is mushy....
Be careful to check ramekins from Daiso- some are not oven proof. Also the variety we get here is boring same shape, same pleated look. I got the ones I used for banana soufflé from australia.
This soufflé is sheer perfection!
Can't imagine how you photographed it before deflating.
But you captured its airy quality, and I'm willing to bet it tastes as good as it looks.
fail? absolutely not! it came out looking wonderful and deliciousss!
Sorry it didn't turn out right. The first picture look good.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I bought some ramekins for only RM3.++ .cheaper than daiso!
But the 1st pic was really good!!
Looking forward to see the tweaked results!
That looks good to me! Souffles are great, so light and delicious!
dont looked failed to me. theyre beautiful . I bet they tasted good too. Bravo to you for experimenting on souffles....I havent even gotten around to making them...let alone experiment. :P
I wish I could help but I know absolutely zero about souffle baking. It sounds like a fantastic concept though!
Aiyah, I can not try souffle till now as I still couldn't get ramakins, also partly due to I seldom go out shopping!!
At least they are beautiful and souffled on coming out!! Sometimes mine don't even do that!:)
Shirley, I would not have thought this was a failure just by looking at the 1st picture, or even the 2nd one. I would certainly think a kaya version would taste yummy. Do post up when the tweaked version works out. BTW I bought my ramekins from Daisho a year or so ago and they were white ones.
Sorry it didn't work out as you wanted, Shirley, but major kudos to you for your daring XD.
The photograph of your souffles look quite appealing, too bad they didn't turn out as you hoped.
I was wondering what you meant by failed when I looked at your first two pictures =D This still sounds delicious though =) And experimenting with recipes is always fun- good luck with tweaking the recipe!
Practice makes perfect! :)
Ahh that's great that you share this with us. Not everything is a resounding success for me too and I keep trying until I get it right :)
still looks great to me, and at least it is nicely risen :)
It is really refreshing that you shared your "unsuccessful" story! I share the same flops but this is just a stepping stone to The "Ta Da" moment. However, The flavor combo sounds pretty darn delicious!
I am sure you will better it the next time ;p ...
I think add some plain flour and cut out tapioca flour into main custard before turning it into a souffle
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