When I posted the Strawberry & Milk Steamed Cake/bread last week, I was able sense that there is significant interests out there in steamed bread/cakes. Undoubtedly Asian by origin, these steamed bread/ cakes probably had their roots in all the steamed dumplings and steamed buns that our forefathers were eating.
Huat Kuey/Fatt Ko has never been a glamorous item on our to-eat list. Most either associate these with those hard and dense cakes sitting on the worship altars or coarse, rustic poor man's food- at least, those are my impression.
It is always delightful to find interesting interpretations on set ideas and cliches. All it takes is some curious and creative soul to wonder out of the box a little and the possibilities become endless - the dated can be transformed to become current, the boring and tacky can suddenly become interesting and chic....
This was the excitement I felt as I first flipped through the Steamed Bread Cook Book.
The last post on Strawberry & Milk Steamed Bread was based on the a very basic vegan recipe, without eggs and oil. There are a total of 3 basic recipes for the steamed bread, the second one is demonstrated here with the White Chocolate Steam Bread recipe. Containing egg and a little oil, this recipe ought to be softer than the first but because I ran out of Top flour and Rice flour, I susbtituted with the only flour I have in my pantry - which is the cake flour. Texture is, I feel, denser than the last one made with rice flour. Nevertheless, it was good enough to have my neighbour stop by after eating it to ask me how I made it - did I put condensed milk in it, she asked.... The creamy white chocolate saved the day. Hmm... I wonder if my deceased ancestors will like these if I were to use them for prayer next time... now- that's turning the current dated!
I am going to stock up on more flour and experiment with the third basic recipe later this week. Look out for it.
Recipe :
1 Egg
45g Black Sugar (I used the Japanese black sugar. 黑砂糖)
60ml Milk
100g Top flour / Plain flour
1tsp Baking powder for steamed cakes
10ml Salad oil
35g White chocolate
Method :
1. Heat water in a pot to boiling and stand by for steaming.
2. In a mixing bowl, add egg, sugar and mix with a hand whip until well combined. Add milk and mix until sugar dissolves.
3. Add flour and baking powder until a smooth paste is obtained. Incoporate oil into the batter.
4. Pour batter into lined pudding cups.
5. Add white chocolate into each cup.
6. Steam over medium heat for 12- 15mins.
Shirley, your idea of using this contemporary "fatt gou" to worship ancestors made my jaws drop ... You know yesterday was just "the day" ... @@
It's OK so long as the end product turned out to be a hit! At least, your neighbor liked it! =)
I've never tried steamed bread or cake before. Really inspired by you, must try this one day.":)
Shirley, I think ancestors will like the improve version of fatt gou, guess they are getting more "fashionable" over "there" too :P. If I am gone, I will prefer to have your version of fatt gou rather than traditional :P. I just ate a bit of traditional huatt gou after the 7th mth praying for company, still doesnt like it.
Aiyah Jess, you cannot try the one used for 7th month prayer! You should go to Ion basement and try the Japanese one!
hahaha i always loved the pink and yellow fatt koh used to worship Gods and ancestors. haven't ate them in ages though! might be time to steam some mushipan :)
wow ur on a roll SHirley. I love steamed cakes. I was about to go get a bamboo steamer yesterday but time was short. tomorrow perhaps. when Ido Ill try this steamed cake. I hope normal baking powder works as well. I have no idea if the bakery store sells bp for steaming. But I'll find out. these cakes look really moist n yummy...to do list.
I love steamed cake/bread but have never tried making them. Time to try :D Yours look very delicious especially with the chocolate.
these sure look like a nice twist to the traditional brown sugar ones. But I'm not exactly a fan of white chocolate, wondering if this would change my perception of white chocolate. =p
Still intrigued to try this out, but dunno if the normal baking powder would do..
Your addition of the white choc made a whole lot of difference in taste to the steamed bun. Thinking of trying it out!
I've never had this before....
but the texture looks really interesting! And it looks delicious too! The steamed bread cookbook sounds really interesting- I love creative cookbooks! Probably because I'm not a creative person....haha :)
Wow, Huat Kuey with white chocolate, it's indeed quite glamourous...!
You know it's funny that you say that because my mum made a steamed cake when we were growing up which was so lovely and soft! :D
Hi Shirley,
This is so special. What did the white chocolate go? How come I didn't see it in your cross section picture? :p I still have some white chocolate, and I think I should try this. I like to eat fatt gou too. Furthermore, this is steamed. I like to try anything steamed now. :p
I see a another medley coming up after the madeleine.
Will I be seeing more of this? I hope hope hope so.
Zurin, there is no need to buy a steamer for this. I just use a pot with some water and place the lined pudding cups directly in the pot.
Jane, I admit I stinged on the white chocolate, I should try to use more and maybe break them down to slightly bigger chunks instead.. think they melted into the cake.
Yum! I'm not usually a fan of white chocolate, but these look so lovely and moist I wouldn't mind having one (or a few) of these! ;-)
Steamed bread or cake is quite versatile. You can play around with using different flavours.
Indeed a nice twist from the conventional huat goh. Nice one... Will make this for my sister since she loves steam cakes. ;)
I can't wait to try this and thank you. Our Boston brown bread is a steamed bread/cake.
This is certainly one modern twist to huat kueh! How interesting and I would love to try it with white choc. I like huat kueh as it is and after prayers on alters, I will be the one going for it!
Not a fan of white chocolate. How about a dark chocolate version? :p
Haha .. cannot help myself laughing at Pei-Lin and Jess's comments! Ooops hope "they" are not listening. I can't wait for your next experiment. I have yet to try making a steamed cake but I do love eating them. BTW what is black sugar and where did you get it from?
Wah Ku Kueh was one of my very favorite things to eat when young and actually just last month I was really itching to try making it but didn't know where to find a good recipe. Your strawberry milk steamed bread and Huat Kueh recipes look fantastic and just what i need. Thanks Shirley!
hi what is black sugar? where can i buy it?
can i subsitute salad oil with butter?
Hi Yammy, the black sugar is a healthier, unrefined form of sugar. You can find them quite easily now at the Japanese food section of super markets. If you can't find it, you can substitute with brown sugar.
You should not substitute the salad oil with butter, this will make the cake dense. The salad oil referred to here is really you canola oil or grape seed oil.
thanks alot,can i use caorn oil?
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