I have been searching for this recipe for the longest time and I believe I am not the only one out there on this very frustrating quest. It all started with the Mochi Bread sold at Sun Moulin, one of my all time favourite Japanese bakery in Singapore. I can no longer recall when Sun Moulin first started to offer this interesting bite-size bread that used to be crusty on the outside but yields a chewy, glutinous texture in the inside. However, in the recent years I do notice that the bread has lost its crusty outer layer but it still retains the signature chewy rice-flour center.
Since Sun Moulin, I have tasted similar snacks in various flavour in Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong. It was when I had wanted to try making this on my own that the futile quest began. Though wildly popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong, I have not managed to find any comprehensive start-from-the-scratch recipe for it - this must be one of the best kept secrets in the bakery industry! What has gained popularity with Mochi-Bread-Chefs-Wannabes is the Mochi Bread Pre-mix. (麻署预拌粉) There are cook books and websites that boast delectable mochi bread recipes all based on the Pre-mix flour.... it is frustrating for me as I had been 'tricked' into purchasing one such cookbook on-line. This is analogous to purchasing a cook book that teaches one to cook instant noodle... utterly audacious.
Armed with a single thread's lead from My Cooking & Baking Passion's recipe, I had tried her recipe a couple of times but it did not quite turn out right. Somehow, my Mochi bread just stubbornly remained like a dead pile of dog poop in the oven - it just wouldn't rise evn after I had tried to increase the amount of leavening agent in the recipe. Judging from the comments of others who had tried the recipe, it seems like I am not the only one who was experiencing disheartening disappointment.
Early this year, when I was in Korea, I managed to find the Korean Mochi Bread Pre-mix flour. This yielded a rather delicious bun but it is still very much different from Sun Moulin's mochi bread. The Korean formula yielded something that was closer to a crusty roll, while Sun Moulin's bread was softer and more chewy.
Finally, last week, when I was in Hong Kong, I managed to find what they call Mochi Ball Pre-mix (麻署波波预拌粉). Working with a chocolate chip mochi bread recipe from the cookbook I had been 'cheated' into buying, I was skeptical but when the tray came out from the oven, I have to concede that this is possibly the closest I have gotten to the Sun Moulin morsel. The bread puffed up quite nicely in the oven but started to collapse when they were cooled. However, I am not too worried, as I suspect that my oven temperature could have been a little too low and if I have added a small dash of baking soda, it would possibly hold its shape better. When I liked was the chewy glutinous rice cake texture inside. The little bread was truly delicious and I must have eaten at least 6 of them while I was photographing them.
Delicious as they may be, I am still left with a dissatisfaction that this was not made from scratch. Hence, I would like to launch an appeal to all who are reading this, if you have a clue to making this from scratch, please do share. Is this indeed the industry's best kept secret? I sincerely hope not....
Recipe :
Mochi Bread Pre-mix 100g
Cocoa Powder 2g
Shortening 26g
Egg 17g
Milk 117g
Sugar 7g
Chocolate Chip 40g
Method :
1. Preheat oven to 190C. Sieve Pre-mix and Coca Powder together.
2. In a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, blend all ingredients, except chocolate chip together.
3. Using a spatula, fold in chocolate chip.
4. Pipe batter using a round piping nozzle onto baking sheet.
5. Bake for 15mins.
6. Cool down.
good luck on your quest! maybe you can reduce the amount of bread flour and add in glutinuous rice flour when baking bread to get the mochi texture :D
Shirley, you know my dilemma too, right? I was once so crazy about these chewy morsels, though, I haven't tried eating one. After four tries, I surrendered. I still believe there's no from-scratch recipe online!
Glad that you found something that yielded, at least, bakes that resemble the ones from Sun Moulin ... and that the book of yours has finally been put to good use. LOL! Judging by your description, I'm sure they taste real good!
You know what I just recalled, I forgot to try that Sun Moulin specialty while I was in SG. Haha!
Pei Lin, yes, totally forgot to have you try this! We were actually very close to Sun Moulin when we went to Tangs... I think they have Sun Moulin in KL too...
In KL!? Not that I know of ... I'll be on the lookout for Sun Moulin in the meantime. Thank you! Perhaps, my radar has been shut down. LOL!
Good to know you're home! Just wondering, are you gonna share your experience from Aug 08, 2010, with us? =)
No worries, whatever your decision is, I respect you for that! Take care till then!
.... procrastinating...
Hi Shirley, Can i know where you got your mochi premix flour? I'll be going to HK next week and hopefully I'll get one too. :)
Hi Aimei, I got these here http://www.cakediy.com/. Pei Lin introduced me to Florence's blog http://wlteef.blogspot.com/ which has a couple of leads on baking supplies store. But I don't encourage you to waste too much time hunting down these places - the shops are very small and in some remote industrial estate. CakeDIY is at Fotan which is really far away. Very dirty building! Don't ever go to the public toilet there! I think our Phoon Huat is better - but they have a few things which we don't have here. I think the place that is big on this Mochi premix is Taiwan. I will search for it next time.
Hi Aimei, I got these here http://www.cakediy.com/. Pei Lin introduced me to Florence's blog http://wlteef.blogspot.com/ which has a couple of leads on baking supplies store. But I don't encourage you to waste too much time hunting down these places - the shops are very small and in some remote industrial estate. CakeDIY is at Fotan which is really far away. Very dirty building! Don't ever go to the public toilet there! I think our Phoon Huat is better - but they have a few things which we don't have here. I think the place that is big on this Mochi premix is Taiwan. I will search for it next time.
Yes there is Sun Moulin here with almost every Isetan branch. It is always next to Isetan's supermarket.
Lot 10 basement
KLCC top floor
The one in Midvalley, I'm not so sure, and I think there's another Sun Moulin in One-U.
I've tried mochi cake many many years ago, from King's bakery and I'd say, it wasn't very good. I'll check out Sun Moulin here the next time I go to Isetan and Sun Moulin's stuff never fails my tastebuds.
Look at your mochi bread, it looks sooo good! Seems to be chewy and chocolaty
These look so good! I've never had mochi cake before but now I will go in search of it. <3 Thank you!
Wendy, you're everywhere! Thank you! I think I can visit the one at KLCC since it's close to my workplace. Better do it before the office relocates. LOL! I know the Isetan there is big. Mid-Valley got Isetan meh? Only Carrefour, Jusco and Metrojaya, if not wrong. Sorry lar, I hardly go to Damansara/Bangsar area lar ... Too far for me ...
Shirley, sorry that your comment box has become a conversation box instead. LOL!
Sorry, I think I need to clarify something.
There is Isetan at Gardens Midvalley, but not at Megamall Midvalley.
Haha, Shirley, for the benefit of your other Malaysian readers besides Pei-Lin. LOL.
I've never heard of this but they actually look pretty good! Sorry it didn't turn out like you wanted. I'll be on a look out for a recipe though!
Would you mind checking out my blog? :D http://ajscookingsecrets.blogspot.com/
At first I thought I was looking at chocolate chip cookies. But mochi! Wow! I hope you are able to replicate the mochi bread you are so craving. I have faith that if anyone can do it, it will be YOU! ;)
Hi Shirley,
These little mochi bread looks very cute and something special to me as I never seen such a little bread like this which I thought is cookies. Very cute!
I have never eaten or heard of this. sounds n looks interesting Shirley. I love mochi chewy ...youre very adventurous..to try..just like a chemist..:))
ill be on the look out ofr the recipe whenevr i browse. will let u know.
I nvr try this, going to grab some from Sun Moulin
I haven't tried mochi bread before, but have baked quite a few mochi cakes. Is it similar to mochi cake?
Y, I have not eaten Mochi cake but I believe this is lighter and less dense than Mochi cake. Imagine the a soft wrinkly butter roll with a chewy mochi center.
I am not sure if we have Sun Moulin over here. Have never tried the mochi bread before.
I've never heard of Mochi bread before but it must be really good =] I thought they were choc chip cookies at first....haha
Hats off to you, Shirley. They look really delectable with that chewy, soft-centre. I must be missing out on a lot, because I have never tasted these. :(
Pei Lin, Sun Moulin in KL don't have this little morsels coz I did look for them when I was there last. Seems like it is only avail in Singapore.
Shirley, Have you tried that bakery P in Ion? It is pretty close and that has a Brazilian name to it.
Not too sure whether it is the same book but I managed to loan it from the library and I was totally disappointed because it is from premix.
I too am eager to find out whether anyone has this recipe from scratch. I am a die hard fan for this little mochi bread.
Hi Edith, I know you are a die-hard fan- because I noticed you had initiated a forum a few years ago over this...:D
I'll keep an eye out for the recipe for this! At first I thought they were cookies but then I saw the cross section picture! :D
Oh how I wish I could find that mix here! I love mochi and the idea of mochi bread sounds amazing!
Wah, Edith ... Thank you for that piece of info too! LOL! Haha! No wonder mochi bread hasn't come under my radar in KL ... Simply because I haven't seen it around!!
Thanks for your tips! I guess I'll abort the hunt then. Don't think I have much time anyway. :) I'm not much of a die-hard fan of this but will surely keep a lookout for any from-the-scratch recipe!
You need to share these with me cos I don't bake at all! :O
Everyone's crazy over this little mochi cake, but I've not tried it! So "swaku". :p But it does sounds good, crispy outside and chewy inside.
Btw, thanks for letting me know that there is nothing much in Fotan. Otherwise, I would probably make a trip there!
I'm like you too, I don't like pre-mixes. :( Wish you luck in looking for a "start from scratch" recipe soon!
Hi Shirley, now this has really got me interested .. mochi bread! I thought it was choc chip chewy cookies. I've not gone to Sun Moulin for ages now but will have to keep an eye out for this the next time I am at Isetan. Looks really good and oozing with choc chips as well.
This looks interesting and I never tried mochi bread before. Hope can gather all the ingredients and try it one day.
Please visit my new site and join the little giveaway.
Love mochi! Unfortunately there ain't pre-mix here...the mochi made completely with glutinous rice tastes different from the pre-mix.
These gooey chocolate treat are really a treasure!
Haha sorry Shirley I've never even heard of mochi bread!! Will let you know if any of my baking quests accidentally result in anything that sounds like what you're describing! the little mochi nibblets look great though. love the first shot =)
I will have to look in China Town for the base, can't wait to try these out, they look more like cookies than a bread.
Oh! I love everything that uses mochi...but never had anything like this...look so yummie, have to try it and soon :-)
Sun moulin?! Must keep that in mind the enxt time I go back!
Sun Moulin sells this?? Oh my.. i always head straight for their batard and completely ignore the others!
Must try this the next time i'm town. Sounds divine!
I can share your frustration Shirley - when I like something I try to go all out to find the recipe for it.. I've been VERY lucky to be able to get most of them directly from the chefs - have you tried that?
This reads awesome. I'll be trying it on my cheat day for sure. Thanks.
Stan Susmanon
I found this chocolate mochi bread recipe and think that u might be interested.
Tapioca flour 30g
Glutinous flour 100g
Melted butter 3 tbs
Sugar 30g
Milk 70 mL
Egg 1 no
Chocolate powder 8g
Mix all the ingredients together and knead into dough. It will be very sticky after it form into dough so its better to put into fridge for 15 mins. Separate the dough into 12-14 smaller round ball and bake for 15 mins at 200C. Its easy to prepare and doesnt need the bread pre-mix. Hope u will like it.
Thank you so much! I will definitely try this and let you know!
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